Looking for feedback on my Audiobook project!

Welcome to my project! I’m creating an audiobook from my good friend JS Veter’s book SIX. It’s such a lovely story about a dog who finds adventure and family. It’s a perfect fit for some of the crazy voices in my head and my love of telling stories. I’ve recorded several chapters, but it occurs to me that I should start getting some feedback. That’s where you come in!

Please give the chapter a listen, and answer the poll questions. The project is still underway and there will need to be editing and mastering yet to come.


SIX Chapter 1

SIX Chapter 2

SIX Chapter 8


One response to “Looking for feedback on my Audiobook project!”

  1. I want to hear the sniffing sound when the dog sniffs.
    Otherwise, there’s energy behind the narration that keeps me listening.
    I wasn’t sure if the dog’s voice and the voice of the pet store owner wasn’t too similar. Both are nasal and high pitched.


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